
Journal Publications (by year)
- J.B. Boreyko, “Jumping droplets,” Droplet 3, e105 (2024).
- Inside Back Cover of Droplet, Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2024.
- W. Shi, A.R. Whittington, D.C. Grant, and J.B. Boreyko, “Reduced Sliding Friction of Lubricant-Impregnated Catheters,” ACS Omega 9, 3635-3641 (2024).
- H. Park, S.F. Ahmadi, T.P. Foulkes, and J.B. Boreyko, “Coalescence-Induced Jumping Bubbles during Pool Boiling,” Adv. Funct. Mater. 34, 2312088 (2024).
- Featured in VTNews: “Boiled bubbles jump to carry more heat,” Dec. 4, 2023.
- Featured in ASME: “Tiny Holes Improve Boiling Performance,” Jan. 23, 2024.
- B.S. Kennedy and J.B. Boreyko, “Bio-Inspired Fog Harvesting Meshes: A Review,” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2306162 (2023).
- N.L. Eyegheleme, A.K. Kota, and J.B. Boreyko, “Oil Sequestration in Synthetic Trees with Nanoporous Leaves and Oleophilic Roots,” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 17740-17747 (2023).
- J.K. Kaindu, K.R. Murphy, N.G. Kowalski, A.N. Jones, M.D. Fleming, B.S. Kennedy, and J.B. Boreyko, “Antitangling and manufacturable Fog Harps for high-efficiency water harvesting,” Droplet 2, e78 (2023).
- M. Edalatpour, C.L. Colón, and J.B. Boreyko, “Ice quenching for sustained nucleate boiling at large superheats,” Chem, 9, 1-19 (2023).
- Featured in VTNews: “Finding the dream team to beat the heat,” April 14, 2023.
- J.B. Boreyko, “Freeze In or Breeze Out,” Nature Phys., 19, 609-610 (2023).
- N.L. Eyegheleme, V. Umashankar, D.N. Miller, A.K. Kota, and J.B. Boreyko, “Oil-Water Separation using Synthetic Trees,” Langmuir, 39, 2520-2528 (2023).
- A.W. Lowery, A. Ambi, L.M. Miller, and J.B. Boreyko, “Reducing Frost during Cryoimaging Using a Hygroscopic Ice Frame,” ACS Omega 7, 43421-43431 (2022).
- N.G. Kowalski and J.B. Boreyko, “Dynamics of fog droplets on a harp wire,” Soft Matter 18, 7148-7158 (2022).
- K.R. Murphy and J.B. Boreyko, “Bridging-droplet transfer from solid to porous surfaces,” J. Fluid Mech. 949, A23(2022).
- V.Y. Lolla*, S.F. Ahmadi*, H. Park*, A.P. Fugaro*, and J.B. Boreyko, “Arrested Dynamics of Droplet Spreading on Ice,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 074502 (2022). (*Equal contribution)
- G.J. Iliff, R. Mukherjee, H.A. Gruszewski, D.G. Schmale III, S. Jung, and J.B. Boreyko, “Phase-change-mediated transport and agglomeration of fungal spores on wheat awns,” J. R. Soc. Interface 19, 20210872 (2022).
- Highlighted in Nature Reviews Physics: Spores for effect, Nat. Rev. Phys. 4, 433 (2022).
- G.A. Cornish*, N.L. Eyegheleme*, L.S. Hudson*, K.J. Troy*, M.M. Vollen*, and J.B. Boreyko, “Transpiration-powered desalination water bottle,” Soft Matter, 18 1287-1293 (2022). (*Equal contribution)
- Featured in VTNews: “Engineering pre-college program project leads to long-term collaboration and research discovery,” February 10, 2022.
- M. Edalatpour, D.T. Cusumano, S. Nath, and J.B. Boreyko, “Three-phase Leidenfrost effect,” Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 014004 (2022).
- Featured in Voice of America: “Details with Andrey Derkach” (16:43 time stamp), February 26, 2022.
- Featured in Ars Technica: “Leidenfrost effect occurs in all three water phases: Solid, liquid, and vapor,” January 21, 2022.
- Featured in VTNews: “Using ice to boil water: Researcher makes heat transfer discovery that expands on 18th century principle,” January 21, 2022.
- N.L. Eyegheleme, K. Peng, and J.B. Boreyko, “Modeling transpiration in synthetic trees,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 183, 122121 (2022).
- N.G. Kowalski, W. Shi, B.S. Kennedy, and J.B. Boreyko, “Optimizing Fog Harps,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 38826-38834 (2021).
- R. Mukherjee, H.A. Gruszewski, L.T. Bilyeu, D.G. Schmale III, and J.B. Boreyko, “Synergistic dispersal of plant pathogen spores by jumping-droplet condensation and wind,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2106938118 (2021).
- H. Zhang, J. De Poorter, R. Mukherjee, J.B. Boreyko, and R. Qiao, “Thermoelectrics in ice slabs: charge dynamics and thermovoltages,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 16277-16288 (2021).
- H. Park, S.F. Ahmadi, and J.B. Boreyko, “Using Frost to Promote Cassie Ice on Hydrophilic Pillars,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 044501 (2021).
- Featured in Tribology & Lubrication Technology (TLT): “Ice removal through suspension on air,” November issue, p. 16-17 (2021).
- Featured in VTNews: “To de-ice planes on the fly, researchers aim to control rather than combat ice formation,” July 23, 2021.
- N.L. Eyegheleme, W. Shi, L.H. De Koninck, J.L. O’Brien, and J.B. Boreyko, “Synthetic trees for enhanced solar evaporation and water harvesting,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 251601 (2021).
- Featured by Science News for Students: “Synthetic trees could tap underground water in arid areas,” September 24, 2021.
- Featured by New Atlas: “Mangrove roots inspire efficient "synthetic tree" water purifier,” June 22, 2021.
- Featured by AIP Publishing: “Synthetic tree enhances solar steam generation for harvesting drinking water,” June 22, 2021.
- Chosen as a featured article by Applied Physics Letters editors.
- S.F. Ahmadi, V. Umashankar, Z. Dean, B. Chang, S. Jung, and J.B. Boreyko, “How Multilayered Feathers Enhance Underwater Superhydrophobicity,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 27567-27574 (2021).
- Featured by SciShow: “How do ducks stay dry?” Sept. 18, 2021 (> 100K views on YouTube).
- Featured by Popular Mechanics: “Duck feathers are the next revolution for the world's biggest ships,” Aug. 30, 2021.
- Featured by New Atlas: “Synthetic duck feathers could help ships glide through the water,” June 3, 2021.
- Featured by VT News: “Researchers learn how swimming ducks balance water pressure in their feathers while diving,” June 2, 2021.
- R. Mukherjee, S.F. Ahmadi, H. Zhang, R. Qiao, and J.B. Boreyko, “Electrostatic Jumping of Frost,” ACS Nano 15, 4669-4677 (2021).
- Featured by Physics World: “Ice crystals jump off surfaces in new electrostatic de-icing technique,” March 15, 2021.
- Featured by NewScientist: “Electrostatic de-icing could make it easier to defrost car windows,” Feb. 24, 2021.
- Featured by VT News: “Jumping frost crystals: Boreyko lab works toward electrostatic de-icing,” Feb. 24, 2021.
- S.F. Ahmadi, C.A. Spohn, S. Nath, and J.B. Boreyko, “Suppressing Condensation Frosting Using an Out-of-Plane Dry Zone,” Langmuir 36, 15603-15609 (2020).
- V.Y. Lolla, P. Shukla, S.D. Jones, and J.B. Boreyko, “Evaporation-Induced Clogging of an Artificial Sweat Duct,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 53403-53408 (2020).
- Highlighted in the ACS PressPac, “Turning sweat against itself with a metal-free antiperspirant,” Dec. 16, 2020.
- Featured by Voice of America (Russia Service), Dec. 8, 2020.
- Featured by Daily Mail (UK): “How your own sweat could actually help stop you from sweating!” Dec. 7, 2020.
- Featured by BNR Nieuwsradio (Dutch news radio), Nov. 18, 2020.
- Featured by NewScientist (UK): “Your own sweat could be used to produce a natural antiperspirant,” Nov. 16, 2020.
- Featured in VTNews: “Virginia Tech lab proves the concept of a natural approach to antiperspirants,” Nov. 16, 2020.
- W. Shi, L.H. De Koninck, B.J. Hart, N.G. Kowalski, A.P. Fugaro, T.W. van der Sloot, R.S. Ott, B.S. Kennedy, and J.B. Boreyko, “Harps under Heavy Fog Conditions: Superior to Meshes but Prone to Tangling,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 48124-48132 (2020).
- S.F. Ahmadi and J.B. Boreyko, "Chapter 6: Defrosting Properties of Structured Surfaces," Ice Adhesion: Mechanism, Measurement, and Mitigation," pp. 161-186, Wiley-Scrivener (2020).
- S.F. Ahmadi and J.B. Boreyko, "Chapter 4: Condensation Frosting," Ice Adhesion: Mechanism, Measurement, and Mitigation," pp. 111-134, Wiley-Scrivener (2020).
- M. Edalatpour, K.R. Murphy, R. Mukherjee, and J.B. Boreyko, “Bridging-Droplet Thermal Diodes,” Adv. Funct. Mater.2004451 (2020).
- Featured in VTNews: “Novel method of heat conduction could be a game changer for server farms and aircraft,” August 18, 2020.
- H. Park, S. Kim, H.A. Gruszewski, D.G. Schmale III, J.B. Boreyko, and S. Jung, “Dynamics of Splashed Droplets Impacting Wheat Leaves Treated with a Fungicide,” Royal Soc. Interface 17, 20200337 (2020).
- Front Cover of Volume 17, Issue 168.
- W. Shi, T.W. van der Sloot, B.J. Hart, B.S. Kennedy, and J.B. Boreyko, Harps Enable Water Harvesting under Light Fog Conditions,” Adv. Sustainable Syst. 4, 2000040 (2020).
- Featured by Silicon Republic: “Super-efficient ‘fog harp’ device can collect water from the lightest mist,” April 24, 2020.
- Featured by AccuWeather: “Fog harp can harvest water from even the lightest of fogs,” April 22, 2020.
- Featured in VTNews: “Virginia Tech's fog harp harvests water even in the lightest fog,” April 16, 2020.
- P. Shukla, T. Jagdhari, A.P. Fugaro, and J.B. Boreyko, “Characterizing Hygroscopic Materials via Droplet Evaporation,” Langmuir 36, 1871-1877 (2020).
- W. Shi, R.M. Dalrymple*, C.J. McKenny*, D.S. Morrow*, Z.T. Rashed*, D.A. Surinach*, and J.B. Boreyko, “Passive water ascent in a tall, scalable synthetic tree,” Sci. Rep. 10, 230 (2020). (*Equal contribution)
- S. Nath, S.F. Ahmadi, and J.B. Boreyko, “How ice bridges the gap,” Soft Matter 16, 1156-1161 (2020).
- Back Cover of Volume 16, Issue 5
- L.H. De Koninck, S.F. Ahmadi, and J.B. Boreyko, “Passive anti-frosting cables,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 146, 118808 (2020).
- S. Nath*, S.F. Ahmadi*, H.A. Gruszewski, S. Budhiraja, C.E. Bisbano, S. Jung, D.G. Schmale III, and J.B. Boreyko, “‘Sneezing’ plants: pathogen transport via jumping-droplet condensation,” J. Royal Soc. Interface 16, 20190243 (2019). (*Equal contribution)
- Front Cover of Volume 16, Issue 155
- Featured in Science News, “‘Sneezing’ plants may spread pathogens to their neighbors,” June 18, 2019.
- Research Highlight in Nature: “A plant’s sneeze spreads disease,” June 20, 2019.
- Featured in VTNews: “‘Sneezing’ plants contribute to disease proliferation,” June 20, 2019.
- S.F. Ahmadi, S. Nath, C.M. Kingett, P. Yue, and J.B. Boreyko, “How soap bubbles freeze,” Nat. Commun. 10, 2531 (2019).
- Featured in The New York Times: “Watch Soap Bubbles Turn Into Tiny Snow Globes as They Freeze,” June 18, 2019 (June 25 print edition).
- Featured in The Verge: “The science behind those viral videos of freezing soap bubbles,” June 18, 2019.
- Featured in NRC (Netherlands): “Bubble freezes into a magical snow globe,” June 18, 2019.
- Featured in VTNews: “Bubble of an idea leads to new research on freezing,” June 18, 2019.
- Featured in Physics Today: “Bubbles freeze in a swirl of ice crystals,” June 20, 2019.
- W. Shi, J.R. Vieitez, A.S. Berrier, M.W. Roseveare, D.A. Surinach, B.R. Srijanto, C.P. Collier, and J.B. Boreyko, "Self-Stabilizing Transpiration in Synthetic Leaves,"ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 13768-13776 (2019).
- Highlighted by the DOE Office of Science: "Stabilizing Water Loss in Synthetic Trees," June 30, 2020.
- R. Mukherjee, A.S. Berrier, K.R. Murphy, J.R. Vieitez, and J.B. Boreyko, “How Surface Orientation Affects Jumping-Droplet Condensation,”Joule 3, 1-17 (2019).
- K.E. Witt, S.F. Ahmadi, and J.B. Boreyko, “Ice wicking,” Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 024002 (2019).
- J.L. O’Brien, S.F. Ahmadi, K.C. Failor, C.E. Bisbano, M.D. Mulroe, S. Nath, B.A. Vinatzer, and J.B. Boreyko, “Spatial control of condensation and desublimation using ice nucleating proteins,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 153701 (2018).
- S.F. Ahmadi, S. Nath, G.F. Iliff, B.R. Srijanto, C.P. Collier, P. Yue, and J.B. Boreyko, “Passive Antifrosting Surfaces Using Microscopic Ice Patterns,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 32874-32884 (2018).
- One of journal’s ‘Most Read Articles’ for October 2018.
- Podcast in Scientific American: "Antifreeze Surface Fights Ice with Ice," September 25, 2018.
- Video highlight by the National Science Foundation (NSF): “4 Awesome Discoveries You Probably Didn’t Hear About This Week: Episode 15,” September 22, 2018.
- Featured in The Times (UK): “Scientists give frost the cold shoulder,” September 17, 2018.
- Featured in R&D Magazine: “New Surfaces Uses Ice to Fight Frost,” September 17, 2018.
- Featuerd in Cosmos Magazine: “Anti-frosting surface could revolutionise deicing,” September 17, 2018.
- Featured in Daily Mail (UK): “Say goodbye to scraping ice off your windscreen! Frost resistant material keeps surfaces 90% clear without any chemicals,” September 17, 2018.
- Featured in “World’s first passive anti-frosting surface fights ice with ice,” September 17, 2018.
- H. Kang, P.M. Graybill, S. Fleetwood, J.B. Boreyko, and S. Jung, “Seasonal changes in morphology govern wettability of Katsura leaves,” PLoS ONE 13, e0202900 (2018)
- R. Mukherjee, M. Habibi, Z.T. Rashed, O. Berbert, X. Shi, and J.B. Boreyko, “Oil-Impregnated Hydrocarbon-Based Polymer Films,” Sci. Rep. 8, 11698 (2018).
- Featured in MSN: “Super Slippery Packaging Aimed At Taking Pain Out of Opening Ketchup Packet,” August 3, 2018.
- Featured in Yahoo!: “Ketchup Packets Become the New Straws as Scientists Battle Plastic Waste,” August 3, 2018.
- Featured in Daily Mirror (UK): “Scientists develop ‘super slippery’ packaging that ensures you get every last drop of ketchup,” August 3, 2018.
- Featured in ScienceDaily: “Rethinking ketchup packets: New approach to slippery packaging aims to cut food waste,” August 3, 2018.
- S. Nath*, C.E. Bisbano*, P. Yue, and J.B. Boreyko, “Duelling dry zones around hygroscopic droplets,” J. Fluid Mech. 853, 601-620 (2018). (*Equal contribution)
- R. Müller, N. Abaid, J.B. Boreyko, C. Fowlkes, A.K. Goel, C. Grimm, S. Jung, B. Kennedy, C. Murphy, N.D. Cushing, and J.P. Han, “Biodiversifying bioinspiration,” Bioinspir. Biomim. 13, 053001 (2018).
- W. Shi, M.J. Anderson, J.B. Tulkoff, B.S. Kennedy, and J.B. Boreyko, "Fog Harvesting with Harps,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 11979-11986 (2018).
- Chemical & Engineering News Can stripping the air of its moisture quench the world’s thirst?Yale Climate ConnectionsRedwood trees inspired this device that collects water from the airThe VergeScientists are harvesting water by building fog harps and zapping the air
- Video highlight in ACS PressPac: “Harvesting water from for with harps," April 18, 2018.
- Featured in CNN: “‘Fog harp’ makes water out of thin air,” April 10, 2018.
- Featured in WDBJ7 News: “Virginia Tech researchers harvest fog to combat water shortages,” April 2, 2018.
- Featured in the Boston Globe: “Virginia Tech researchers unveil new method of fog harvesting to address global water shortages,” March 30, 2018.
- Featured in Digital Trends: “The ‘fog harp’ pulles water out of thin air, could help drought-prone communities,” March 29, 2018.
- O.L. Hansen*, A.B. Sheen*, K.M. Swedberg*, K.W. Vitale*, S.M. Wray*, M.D. Fox, and J.B. Boreyko, "Thermally Absorptive Blankets for Highly Efficient Snowbank Melting," Langmuir 34, 2606-2609 (2018). (*Equal contribution)
- Featured on NPR: Science Friday, March 16, 2018.
- Featured in Chemical & Engineering News magazine: “Melting snow piles with an aluminum blanket,” March 12, 2018.
- One of Langmuir’s ‘Most Read Articles’ for March 2018.
- Featured in Popular Science: “Special ‘blankets’ could help melt monstrous snowbanks more quickly,” February 26, 2018.
- Featured on Discovery Channel Canada: Daily Planet, February 19, 2018.
- Featured in WDBJ7 News: “Blacksburg team melts away snow worries with Melt Mat invention,” February 19, 2018.
- S.F. Ahmadi, A.S. Berrier, W.M. Doty, P.G. Greer, M. Habibi, H.A. Morgan, J.H.C. Waterman, N. Abaid, and J.B. Boreyko, “Latent heat of traffic moving from rest,” New J. Phys. 19, 113034 (2017).
- Editorial in The Guardian: “Stop racing. You’ll still get there just as quickly,” Jan. 12, 2018.
- Chosen for the New Journal of Physics Highlights of 2017.
- Featured in Science: “Tailgating won’t get you through that intersection any faster,” Dec. 1, 2018.
- #1 most-read article in New Journal of Physics for December 2017.
- Featured in WVTF Virginia Public Radio, NBC News Radio,, The Roanoke Star, WDBJ Channel 7 News, The Wire, and VT News.
- M.D. Mulroe, B.R. Srijanto, S.F. Ahmadi, C.P. Collier, and J.B. Boreyko, “Tuning Superhydrophobic Nanostructures to Enhance Jumping-Droplet Condensation,” ACS Nano 11, 8499-8510 (2017).
•Featured in VT News.
- J.B. Boreyko, P.M. Caveney, S.E. Norred, C.W. Chin, S.T. Retterer, M.L. Simpson, and C.P. Collier, “Synthetic Biology in Aqueous Compartments at the Micro- and Nanoscale,” MRS Advances DOI: 10.1557/adv.2017.489 (2017).
- K.R. Murphy, W.T. McClintic, K.C. Lester, C.P. Collier, and J.B. Boreyko, “Dynamic Defrosting on Scalable Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 24308–24317 (2017).
- Featured in Yahoo! News, WSLS News 10, and VT News.
- K.F. Wiedenheft, H.A. Gao, X. Qu, J.B. Boreyko, F. Liu, K. Zhang, F. Eid, A. Choudhury, Z. Li, and C.H. Chen, “Hotspot cooling with jumping-drop vapor chambers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 141601 (2017).
- Front cover of Volume 110, Issue 14.
- Featured in AIP Publishing: “Jumping Droplets Extinguish Unpredictable Hotspots in Electronics”.
- S. Nath, S.F. Ahmadi, and J.B. Boreyko, “A Review of Condensation Frosting,” Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys. Eng. 21, 81–101 (2017).
- P.M. Caveney, S.E. Norred, C.W. Chin, J.B. Boreyko, B.S. Razooky, S.T. Retterer, C.P. Collier, and M.L. Simpson, “Resource Sharing Controls Gene Expression Bursting,” ACS Synth. Biol. 6 , 334-343 (2017).
- Highlighted in Introducing Our Authors feature of Volume 6, Issue 2.
- S. Nath and J.B. Boreyko, “On Localized Vapor Pressure Gradients Governing Condensation and Frost Phenomena,” Langmuir 32, 8350-8365 (2016).
- J.B. Boreyko, R.R. Hansen, K.R. Murphy, S. Nath, S.T. Retterer, and C.P. Collier, “Controlling condensation and frost growth with chemical micropatterns,” Sci. Rep. 6, 19131 (2016).
- Featured in Science News for Students: “Beetles offer people lessons in moisture control”, August 25, 2016.
- Featured in USA Today: “Could this desert beetle be the solution to preventing frost on airplane wings?” January 25, 2016.
- Featured in Popular Science: “Desert Beetle Teaches Scientists about how Frost Forms."
- Featured on Discovery Channel Canada: Daily Planet, Jan. 22.
- X. Qu, J.B. Boreyko, F. Liu, R.L. Agapov, N.V. Lavrik, S.T. Retterer, J.J. Feng, C.P. Collier, and C.H. Chen, “Self-propelled sweeping removal of dropwise condensate,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 221601 (2015).
- P. Mruetusatorn, G. Polizos, P.G. Datskos, G. Taylor, S.A. Sarles, J.B. Boreyko, D.G.Hayes, and C.P. Collier, “Control of Membrane Permeability in Air-Stable Droplet Interface Bilayers,” Langmuir 31, 4224-4231 (2015).
- S.E. Norred, P.M. Caveney, S.T. Retterer, J.B. Boreyko, J.D. Fowlkes, C.P. Collier, and M.L. Simpson, “Sealable Femtoliter Chamber Arrays for Cell-free Biology,” J. Vis. Exp. (97), e52616, doi:10.3791/52616 (2015). [Video]
- R.L. Agapov, J.B. Boreyko, D.P. Briggs, B.R. Srijanto, S.T. Retterer, C.P. Collier, and N.V. Lavrik, “Length Scale Selects Directionality of Droplets on Vibrating Pillar Ratchet,” Adv. Mater. Interfaces 1, 1400337 (2014).
- Front cover of Volume 1, Issue 9.
- R.L. Agapov, J.B. Boreyko, D.P. Briggs, B.R. Srijanto, S.T. Retterer, C.P. Collier, and N.V. Lavrik, “Length scale of Leidenfrost ratchet switches droplet directionality,” Nanoscale 6, 9293–9299 (2014).
- J.B. Boreyko, G. Polizos, P.G. Datskos, S.A. Sarles, and C.P. Collier, “Air-stable droplet interface bilayers on oil-infused surfaces,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 7588–7593 (2014).
- Featured in Civil Engineering: “Technique Furthers Water-Harvesting Possibilities”
- P. Mruetusatorn, J.B. Boreyko, G.A. Venkatesan, S.A. Sarles, D.G. Hayes, and C.P. Collier, “Dynamics morphologies of microscale droplet interface bilayers,” Soft Matter 10, 2530–2538 (2014).
- Back Cover of Volume 10, Issue 15.
- R.L. Agapov, J.B. Boreyko, D.P. Briggs, B.R. Srijanto, S.T. Retterer, C.P. Collier, and N.V. Lavrik, “Asymmetric Wettability of Nanostructures Directs Leidenfrost Droplets,” ACS Nano 8, 860–867 (2014).
- Correction: ACS Nano 8, 1949–1950 (2014).
- J.B. Boreyko and C.P. Collier, “Dewetting Transitions on Superhydrophobic Surfaces: When Are Wenzel Drops Reversible?” J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 18084–18090 (2013).
- J.B. Boreyko, B.R. Srijanto, T.D. Nguyen, C. Vega, M. Fuentes-Cabrera, and C.P. Collier, “Dynamic Defrosting on Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Langmuir 29, 9516–9524 (2013).
- Featured in Langmuir’s ‘Most Read Articles’ for July 2013.
- J.B. Boreyko, P. Mruetusatorn, S.A. Sarles, S.T. Retterer, and C.P. Collier, “Evaporation-Induced Buckling and Fission of Microscale Droplet Interface Bilayers,” J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 135, 5545–5548 (2013).
- J.B. Boreyko and C.H. Chen, “Vapor chambers with jumping-drop liquid return from superhydrophobic condensers,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 61, 409–418 (2013).
- J.B. Boreyko, P. Mruetusatorn, S.T. Retterer, and C.P. Collier, “Aqueous two-phase microdroplets with reversible phase transitions,” Lab Chip 13, 1295–1301 (2013).
- J.B. Boreyko and C.P. Collier, “Delayed Frost Growth on Jumping-Drop Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” ACS Nano 7, 1618–1627 (2013).
- Highlighted in Giving Frost on Superhydrophobic Surfaces the Cold Shoulder, ACS Nano 7, 883 (2013).
- J.B. Boreyko, Y. Zhao, and C.H. Chen, “Planar jumping-drop thermal diodes,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 234105 (2011).
- J.B. Boreyko, C.H. Baker, C.R. Poley, and C.H. Chen, “Wetting and Dewetting Transitions on Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Langmuir 27, 7502–7509 (2011).
- J.B. Boreyko and C.H. Chen, “Self-propelled jumping drops on superhydrophobic surfaces,” Phys. Fluids 22, 091110 (2010).
- J.B. Boreyko and C.H. Chen, “Self-Propelled Dropwise Condensate on Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 184501 (2009).
- Editor’s Choice in Science: Up, Up and Away, Science 326, 917 (2009).
- Featured on Discovery Channel (Canada): Super Slo-Mo Tuesdays, Nov. 3.
- J.B. Boreyko and C.H. Chen, “Restoring Superhydrophobicity of Lotus Leaves with Vibration-Induced Dewetting,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 174502 (2009).
- Front cover of Volume 103, Issue 17.
- Featured in Oct. 27th NY Times: “Vibrations Keep Water Out of Lotus Leaves.”.