
Jonathan Boreyko, Principal Investigator

Jonathan Boreyko is an Associate Professor at Virginia Tech in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Boreyko received B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics from Trinity College (2007) and a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science from Duke University (2012) under Professor Chuan-Hua Chen. Prof. Boreyko has won the 2019 ASME ICNMM Early Career Award, the AFOSR YIP Award, and the NSF CAREER award. His research has been covered by Science Magazine, The New York Times, Discovery Channel Canada, and Popular Science. His current research interests include condensation and frost phenomena, fabricating micro/nano-patterned surfaces with special wettability, and designing fluidic systems inspired by nature for heat transfer and water harvesting applications.
Graduate Students
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Senior Project Team Researchers
- 2014-15: Numerical Modeling of Human Crowd Dynamics (co-advised with Prof. Nicole Abaid)
- William Doty
- Pat Greer
- Hunter Morgan
- Josam Waterman
- Published results in New Journal of Physics.
- 2015-16: Superhydrophobic Aluminum as a Solution to Frost Growth on Wind Turbine Blades
- Caitlin Bisbano
- Dave Gerard
- Scott Holland
- Kevin Murphy
- Tim Zehnbauer
- 2016-17: SMART Blanket: Snowbank Melting by Application of Radiation Transfer
- Matthew Fox
- Owen Hansen
- Andrew Sheen
- Kristen Swedberg
- Karl Vitale
- Sarah Wray
- Published results in Langmuir.
- 2017-18: Characterization of a Macroscale Synthetic Tree
- Richard Dalrymple
- Collin McKenny
- David Morrow
- Ziad Rashed
- Daniel Surinach
- Published results in Scientific Reports.